Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Influence of ambient temperature on gamma scintillation detector readings 182 241 69
Geant4 simulation of precipitated activity-to-γ-dose rate conversion factors for radon and thoron decay products 417 475 62
Rainfall intensity and quantity estimation method based on gamma-dose rate monitoring 214 268 58
Model for reconstruction of γ-background during liquid atmospheric precipitation 237 276 44
Investigation of the influence of buildings on the total gamma background radiation 255 315 70
Radon release rate from soil into the surface atmosphere specifics 231 306 86
Changes of meteorological quantities and background activity of ionizing radiation during the passage of mesoscale convective complexes 638 638 1
Radioactive source strength effect on gamma radiation monitoring with a NaI (Tl) scintillation detector 304 433 139
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Yakovlev, Grigorii A.

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Yakovlev, Grigorii A.

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